domenica 30 giugno 2019

Ancient egypt Reminescence

I was 16 the first time I stepped in Karnak temple. Between those huge columns I felt At home. I was just a tourist but That feeling was so deep. Then life brought me in many places and i Made many different choices And many years later i was again there part of the Luxor Art Symposium , with the Luxor art academy And many Artists from All around the world. So lucky to be part of this magnificent event. I could discover with more attention All the ancient egypt thought paintings history with special thanks to the professors of the art Academy. As artist I felt I had to study hyeroglyphos. I had to do That because those drawings in front of my eyes had kind of power of something going on inside. And there is so much going on inside... Because of this I suggest to All Artists to step in Luxor And study All they Can because there is so much to discover and learn..

giovedì 20 giugno 2019

Synphonia per una notte d'estate

Nella pittura e nella musica esiste per quanto mi riguarda un forte legame. Specialmente quando mi distacco dalla figura e inizio l'approdo all'astrazione il suono diventa una linea guida. Come pure può succedere anzi come e' già successo che ho dipinto tante opere ispirate dalla musica. Tuttavia qui il percorso e' all'opposto. E' il dipinto che diventa musica. Dunque guardate questa immagine ispirata dalle sensazioni di freschezza e vitalità del mio giardino e provate ad ascoltare la sua sinfonia di suoni

Synphony for a summer night

martedì 18 giugno 2019

Freedom and breath

I like creativity and colors, drawing and shapes. But most of all when I appreciate art, what I like the most,  are the degree of freedom and space for breath, if it gives air to the entire environment then is a very good work. . This kind of freedom is a reflection of the personality and maturity of the artist himself. You know Gauguin? His works are truly open windowes.. So here I am sharing my degree of freedom with my those little cacti