mercoledì 11 settembre 2019

The essence of painting flowers

Well.. I can explore many subjects.. I can make portraits.. I can make marine... But when I come back to paint the essence of flowers I feel so at home. Their soft sound of wind and little touch of a morning ray of sun. Delicate and powerful like life to begin. Their incredible miracolous smell .. All this bring me in that place where it is not about to see the shapes of flower. It is about the feel all  this miracle in the while of  painting it. 

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lunedì 9 settembre 2019

Nature true trasure

I don't know how long it will take for human race to feel how amazing nature is. We like many expensive things from cars to dresses and maybe bags... hills... But next to a flower or a sweet lovely creature as a little rabbit can be there shouldn't even be any doubt for who to give maximum care attention and protection. Nature has power,it has life,it is a true unveiled miracle.. Of course it is about raising consciousness, in fact those words can be understood only by who are ready to get them. For all the others they are missing the point to truly appreciate the chance to live in this beautiful planet.. I am not worried for the disaster they Could do to environment, those disaster are only a reflection of what they are doing to their true nature of human being. This Is the worst. Each one of those drawing .. More or less abstract more or less figurative, are always little letters to humanity, small drops into the ocean of nature appreciation 🌺